
Sunday, March 24, 2013

And so it begins...

Well now that I have gotten that somewhat cryptic and melodramatic title out of the way, I have some interesting news:

We got the house we put an offer on! And the best part... our land-lord will let me have a cat. So, thank you Mr. Awesome-Land-Lord-Guy-I-Have-Never-Met. Is it sad that the best part to me is that I am getting a cat when I am moving to one of the most amazing states in the U.S.? Maybe.

I'll admit I am relieved to finally have a settled place to call home for a few years. Being in the awkward limbo, "I have no idea what the heck is going on" stage definitely was not an easy place to be. Now I can begin my plan of apack. (get it... plan of attack... but I am packing)

I really wish I had a picture of the house to show you, but I actually haven't been to the house. I'm sure mom has a picture buried somewhere I can upload at some point. From what my parent's have told me, it seems like a really awesome house on nice property, with a rocking view. It's Colorado... I dare you to find me a bad view.

So anyways, until I have more interesting news... I am off to Alabama to visit some of my favourite relatives for the week. :) SPRING BREAK HERE I COME! :)

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